Salt Spray Tester ISO 9227

What's the Salt Spray Tester used for?

Salt Spray Tester is used to test the anti-erosion quality of the surface of all materials after the rust-proof of painting, coating, electroplating, anoding and rust-proof of greasing.

Do you want to know more about the Salt Spray Tester ?

Ÿ Test chamber: 120 L

Ÿ Temp. test: NSS.ACSS 35°C ±1°C/ CASS 50°C ±1°C

Ÿ Temp. air: NSS.ACSS 47°C±1°C/CASS 63°C±1°C

Ÿ Interior dim. : 650x 400 x 450 mm

Ÿ Test solution volume: 15 L

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Salt Spray Testing Machine Manufacturer

Cotton Micronaire Tester

Salt Spray Testing Machine